Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Age Appropriate Weight Training for Wrestling

I cannot stress the value old appropriate weight training exercise for young wrestlers.  As I'm writing this content, I could already see parents scanning this article and thinking I'm crazy!  Why?  Because you have observed it'll stunt your son or daughter's growth?

Hold on now...  I'm talking get older appropriate weight training for your wrestler.
Not long ago i read a durability junior and training article by Mayo Medical center that in essence says when done properly, weight training offers many bonus items to young sportsmen.

Weight training is a good good notion for kids who simply want to appear and feel better.  Let's Explore weight training exercise for wrestling.

If time appropriate weight training is performed properly, it'll strengthen a kids bones, help prevent sports activities related injury, and increase performance in virtually any sport.  The increased self-confidence shall last child well into adult hood.

Weight training exercise has benefits.  I believe it can help build self-confidence and self-assurance for your wrestler on the mat as well as in true to life.   I shall cover specific great things about weight training for wrestling in a future article.

What is Era Appropriate WEIGHT TRAINING EXERCISE for Wrestling
What do I Consider years appropriate weight training exercise?  I think weight training exercise should be divided into four time classes when I'm discussing the junior wrestler.

6-8  years old
at this years,  the target should be on light weights and high repetition.  The major focus should be on appropriately doing a certain exercise.  Appropriate exercises are pushups, squats,  medicine balls, kettles, etc...  I would suggest that you discover a fitness center that is accredited to utilize little kids no more than double a week.

9-11 years old
We remain concentrating on light-weight.  As of this age you can begin introducing dumbells.  The concentration is improve durability while applying strategy.  When by using a free weights a young child should be able to do a set of 15.  If the rep can be carried out by them of 15, it's overweight for them.

I recommend getting started light and increasing the weight only once a child may easily execute a rep of 15.  In my own view a child shouldn't bench or squat more than 90% of the body weight.

12-13 years old
at this get older you're working with 7th and 8th graders.  The routines should be quite somewhat more intense.  How much a child lifts at this age will rely upon the child.  I would suggest a kid this age lift more than 15% over his bodyweight.

14 years or more
At this time they must be under the guidance of your power trainer in senior high school.  If your senior high school doesn't have an ardent strength coach, you should talk to an occupation weight trainer to build up a weight training plan.

Additional WEIGHT TRAINING Resources
Team USA - has a great article on weight training for wrestling.  They speak about the physical make-up of the sportsman is different for each and every kid plus some key factors that needs to be considered for weight training. - has a training video that presents a few weight training exercise that may be employed by wrestlers. After viewing the training video, these same exercises can be utilized for all time levels.

Hunt Fitness - has written a great article on off season wrestling training programs for wrestlers.  He breaks the off season into stages and gives an example weight training work out plan.

FloWrestling - comes with an awesome web page on wrestling durability.  They have a couple of videos that show what universities over the region are doing for weight training.  Many of these are for school level wrestlers, but an entire great deal of these can be employed to youthful wrestlers.

Waubonsie Wrestling Golf club - has generated a PDF document that describes some basic principles for youth weight training and a sample program. - composed articles on 15 exercises you can certainly do to construct explosive wrestling takedowns. The web site goes into information for every single exercise.  From the great weight training article with the right ideas on increasing wrestling strength.

SKT Wrestling - come up with a great weight training training video on YouTube.  It shows what weight training exercises they may be doing because of their youth wrestlers.  It will give any trainer or parent or guardian the right ides to include into an age group appropriate weight training program.

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