These Terms of Use apply to this blog, that related WWE blog (each a “WWE content”), mobile applications, and services (including WWE’s subscription video streaming service that link to this policy  unless we have posted special terms of use to a particular website or with respect to a particular service.  In that case, those special terms of use apply to that website or service to the extent that they are different from these Terms of Use. The Services are provided by http://wrestling168.blogspot.com/  By using the Services, you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions of these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not use the Services.
Please note that these Terms of Use contain capitalized words or phrases.  These words and phrases are defined terms.  Their definitions are found either in our Privacy Policy or in these Terms of Use. To help you use our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use we have made some words, phrases and headings into hyperlinks.  These words, phrases and headings have color highlighting.
These Terms of Use apply to you whether you are a "Visitor" or a "Registered Fan" The term "User" refers to both a Visitor and a Registered Fan.  Registered Fans are also referred to simply as "Fans."  The term "Membership" refers to a Registered Fan's account and ability to post to and participate in activities and services hosted on a WWE website.  If you wish to become a Registered Fan, you must read these Terms of Use and indicate your agreement with these Terms of Use and with any other instructions or requirements that may be part of a registration process.
Any User-Generated Content may be deleted and your registration may be cancelled without warning,
We may change these Terms of Use at any time. We suggest that you review these Terms of Use periodically for changes. Your use of the Services after the posting of changes to these Terms of Use will mean you accept the changes. Where, however any change to these Terms of Use is a material change (i.e. not one which is merely a small or technical change which does not affect you in any material way) or, in the case of the http://wrestling168.blogspot.com/, we make a significant change to the basis on which the http://wrestling168.blogspot.com/ is made available to you. We will notify you of the relevant change(s) by email, using the email address you provided to us at registration. Your continued with use of the Services after the changes come into effect, will mean you accept the changes. If a material change to these Terms of Use you needs to be made more quickly for security, legal or regulatory reasons, we will give you as much notice as we are reasonably able to give you. The most up-to-date version of these Terms of Use will always be available on the http://wrestling168.blogspot.com/ and when we notify you that the Terms of Use are changing we recommend that you print the latest version for your records.
http://wrestling168.blogspot.com/ may also offer other services from time to time that are governed by different terms and conditions of use. You will be provided with a copy of such terms and conditions of use prior to you contracting to receive such services.  By using the Services and/or by submitting personal information to the http://wrestling168.blogspot.com/, you consent to having your information transferred to the http://wrestling168.blogspot.com/ and being processed and maintained in the the purpose of improving point.

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